Thursday, October 4, 2012

October Is Finally Here!”
by Terrence Cain

Ah, October is finally here and I couldn't be happier even if someone told me that I had just won a billion dollars and didn't have to work another day in my life. Okay, maybe that would make me happier, but I swear I'm not a procrastinator. I love writing, and that is work for a lot of people—including me. I'm so elated with life right now because things seem to be moving forward for me and those in my life I love the most. Life does seem to move in mysterious ways, that's for sure.
So for Thursday's Speech I had to give a speech about music and how it's had an affect on me and how I've come to be in college thanks to music. In case you all have forgotten, or you're a first time reader, I will be going to Angelo State University to get my bachelors degree in print journalism where hopefully afterwards I will be writing about music in a profound way that isn't just the latest gossip about who beat up who, or who shot who, or who died of an overdose, or who married who for five seconds and then decided to file for a divorce over “irreconcilable differences.” My goal is to write about music and the positive energies it can bring to one's life. I want to write about albums, I want to talk to the musicians who made the music and find out what they wanted to get across in their lyrics and the mood of their music. Seems like people are far too nosey about what celebrity is doing what these days and I want to change that for the better.
So I not only did that this week, but I also almost managed to have a screwed up week as well because I thought I had lost a math paper I had due that was actually stuck in the middle of my notebook. It was embarrassing to say the least, but at least I got it turned in and with no problems from my algebra teacher, Prof. Keeney. It made me think of my days as a kid in elementary school when I'd lose my papers for class all the time. Seems like something never change. At least this was the first in about seventeen years, and hopefully last, that I will do such a thing as that.
This semester seems to be going much smoother than I had initially thought. I really thought this final semester would be a gut buster of a semester, but so far it's turned out to be pretty mellow and relaxed. It could also be that I am far more prepared than I was for my first couple of semesters. Well I must be moving forward towards the weekend. I've got a lot of math to do before Sunday, not to mention a few house chores, so until next week this is Howard College's blogging machine, over and out!

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