Thursday, October 25, 2012

No More Mr. Nice Guy”
by Terrence Cain

You're probably thinking by the title alone that this blog post is going to be all angst filled and moody. No way, man! Are you kidding me? I mean I know I got a hot temper at times, but jeez, I swear I'm not in a sour mood or anything like that. I promise. Halloween is coming up next Wednesday, my favorite holiday by the way, and since it is coming up I thought I'd use a line from a classic Alice Cooper song for fun. Just like the last two weeks I've ended the blog with famous lines from classic horror films. I bet people are still scratching their head as to what movies they came from, and I assure you I'll never tell.
Oh boy, am I in a giddy mood today. I'm doing really well in my classes, I just got done talking to an Angelo State rep for transferring to their university next January, and to top it off I also found out that I'll be visiting Angelo State on November 16th with the Science Club. The only thing that could make life any better right now is winning the lottery or getting a job working for a music magazine that sends me all over the world! Okay, calm down, Terrence. No need to get all crazy with excitement [enter derisive laughs here.]
So this week was pretty awesome, as you can no doubt tell, but it wasn't just what happened today with ASU and the overall semester grades report I saw either. I'm beginning to really enjoy science again, particularly Astronomy. It really is quickly becoming one of my most treasured classes; and not just because I made a ninety-five on my last test either. There is just so much I am learning thanks to Prof. Hobbs. There are things about the black hole I just never knew. All I ever knew is that light could never escape it and that its density and gravity literally crushes everything inside it. Finding out that it more or less bends light, slows the speed of light, and possibly even recycles time and space just blows my mind. I'll never be good at math calculations, but science thrills me like no other subject right now. Being in this class just makes me want to learn more just as I felt when I was in my youth. Now you're probably thinking; “Well why not get a degree in science then.” Well that's because I love to learn, but I don't want to be in it for a living. I do love to write, music is the thing I know of the most, so that's where my heart will always be.
Okay I gotta get moving on an ethics paper. Please, if you're a student or faculty member at the Howard College campus in Big Spring go see Prof. Davidson's play, The Tomb Of Count Gangrene, next Tuesday at 7 pm. Do try to be there by 6:30 so that you have a seat available to you. Cynthia Weeks is selling the tickets to the show, $3 for HC students and faculty and $5 for outsiders. She is in the Science building right behind the Music Hall. You'll find her on the first floor near the elevator. I want to say here office number is 107, but don't quote me on that. You'll see her name by the door.
I promise you, it's going to be a great Halloween play with free candy and a great atmosphere. I've already seen the set and it looks great. It's going to be in the tradition of three stories told by three different hosts, similar to old radio serials and horror shows like Creepshow and Tales From The Crypt. I'll post up the flyer for you to look at again here at the end of this blog. Okay, well that's it for now. I hope everyone has a safe and warm weekend. Until next time, this is Howard's blogging machine saying; “You forgot the power glove!”

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