Thursday, November 29, 2012

 “Reflecting On The Past”
By Terrence Cain

I feel as though the time left at Howard College that I have is going to be over quicker than the blink of an eye. I swear that this week has been a total blur for me. Maybe it's because I'm excited to be graduating soon, maybe it's because I will be at Angelo State this Friday getting registered for my first semester, or maybe it's because I'm just in total shock that I actually made it this far. I find myself being a bit dizzy from the entire thing because I came so close to giving up early on and now here I am within reach of graduating. I really feel that people put far too much stress upon themselves and allow things to be too difficult for them. If we'd just slow down and pull back a bit so that we can look at the broader picture I feel we would be a far better species. I know it's something I should have done long ago myself and something that I should keep doing more often. In retrospect I am very glad I didn't quit in my first semester—or my second—or my third. I'm very proud of myself for not giving up.
I believed back before I started going to college that getting a degree in something was a very important thing to have in one's life. I still believe that, and even more so than I did back then. There is so much uncertainty out there in the world. The economy is improving, but the media is in such a panic over this so-called “Fiscal Cliff” that it makes you feel like your job isn't going to matter come 2013 if they don't fix the problems before the turn of the year. Of course having a degree in whatever your field is wouldn't matter much if we did have a recession hit us over the head again, but I don't think things are going to be as bad as the media portrays either if something isn't done before the start of 2013.
I think with the way the economy is slowly growing, and the way the media over sensationalizes things, it's best to stick it out in college and get your degree. I see so many people, most much younger than I, who give up midway through a semester. It's really sad to see because if they'd just stick it out they'd be okay. And it's not the end of the world if you fail a class either. I failed my second level preparatory algebra class with Prof. Buske my second semester in and was able to pass it when I retook the class my third semester. I just want you all to know that life isn't over if you fail at something. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes, we all fall down sometimes. What's important is that we don't give up. We have to get up off our duffs and fight back and keep trying until we succeed. That's what is important. That's what everyone needs to remember at the end of the day. Giving up should never be the answer to any problem that comes our way. Okay, that's all I wanted to say this week. Next week is the final week before we take our finals. It's going to get a little hectic for us all, but I know we can make it through just fine if we stick to our guns and don't let the finals defeat us. Until next week, this is Howard College's blogging machine saying; “Never give up.”

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