Friday, September 30, 2011

By Terrence Cain

Today was a beautiful day my ears. A guy named Eric, last name unknown; who’s major is computer science came into the lounge area where everyone breaks for lunch and studies. He sat down at the piano and began to play this thirty minute somber, dark, movie soundtrack-esque song on the piano. It was awe-inspiring to hear him. After he finished his song I found out that he, like me, cannot read music and was self-taught. Eric played beautifully and you could really feel what he was bringing out of his soul in his playing. I was in there today at lunch time studying for my U.S. Government test that I had at one. In case you don’t remember, or are reading this blog for the very first time, I am a HUGE music fan, so whenever I hear a talented person pouring their heart and soul out in an artistically expressed way, especially through a musical instrument, I find myself in another world. Eric is very talented for sure and I really appreciate his song keeping me focused on my studies for my test. If his computer science major doesn’t work out for him he should go and make music for movie soundtracks because he’s got the talent for it for sure.
 This week has been one long haul for me. I had tests in both criminology and U.S. Government, I had quite a bit of homework in horticulture, and algebra as usual gave my brain a pretty good kicking around. I’m doing well, I have an A average in the class right now, but math is just one of those subjects that just frustrates me to no end. Well I don’t want to harsh too much on what gets to me, so I will leave you on a good note. I passed my criminology test on Tuesday. I’m not going to say what I made exactly, but I did pass it with a pretty high score.
This weekend will be great too. I went down yesterday to The Fun Shop on Moss Creek Rd. here in Big Spring. It’s one of the last few relics of the old movie rental stores that still rents out VHS tapes. The owner, Jason, also sells snow cones, Halloween gifts, and rents DVDs. Go check it out if you got the time. He’s right off exit 184 on I-20. You’re probably thinking I’m some really old guy now. No, I’m just a nostalgic person. I grew up in the 80s and early 90s in the days of vinyl records and video tape rentals from the local movie rental store. Great times growing up back then. Much more simpler and peaceful time I think. I’m probably part of the last generation to do so too. I believe they’ve coined us the Cold War babies because I, and many others, were born near the end of the Cold War. Well I off to watch some great movies, do some algebra, and get some much needed rest before next week’s classes. If you get a chance this Friday go to the 65th anniversary celebration of Howard College. I’m proud to be a part of Howard College, so if I get the chance I know I’ll be there. At the end of this blog are the schedule and the events that will take place for tomorrow’s celebration, have a great weekend! This is Howard College’s blogging machine, over and out!

Schedule Of Events
* 10:00 AM - Stan & Sue Partee Residential Complex Building Dedication, Stallings St.
* 10:45 AM - Charles O. Warren Center for Community Service Building Dedication, Thomas St.
* 1:00 PM - Old Main / P.W. Malone Plaza 1001 Birdwell Ln. - Celebration
Refreshments & Tours Will Follow

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