Friday, September 23, 2011

“Fall On Me”
By Terrence Cain

Today is the beginning of the Autumn Equinox, a pagan ritual of thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth and recognition of the need to share them to secure the blessings of the Goddess and God during the winter months. Now why am I telling you this? Because I’m in a Horticulture class and one of the main topics this week was about the Farmer’s Almanac. The Farmer’s Almanac is an almanac that predicts weather patterns, gives astrological predictions, and assists farmers by telling them what time is best to plant their crops. Since the fall season officially begins today I thought it would be kind of cool to tell you all about what the autumn season truly means. Hope you enjoyed that little fun fact there. That’s part of the reason for the title of this week’s blog. The other part is that the title is also my tribute to R.E.M. who broke up this week after thirty-one years together. ‘Fall On Me’ is one of my favorite songs by them so this week’s blog is dedicated to R.E.M.
Okay, this week has been pretty cool. In my Criminology class with Prof. Calvio we watched an episode of the History Channel’s Gangland about two black mobsters who were notorious for heinous crimes in Harlem, New York in the 1970s. The point was to see what triggered the actions of these individuals who became the notorious drug peddlers in Harlem. Both stories were tragic, but I didn’t feel sorry for them when they were sent to prison because they could have taken the tragedies they went through in their youths and made something positive of them as adults and they chose instead to use fear and greed in the most negative of ways.
In my Horticulture class we had a couple of tests and spent our lab time in the green house getting rid of dead plants, cleaning up the place, and repotting plants with new soil. Horticulture is a difficult class when it comes to the tests, but it’s also a fun class because I’m learning a lot more than I knew about plants in my early education.
In my U.S Government we talked a lot about amendments and the early stages of the U.S. and State Constitutions. I really dig Prof. Hamby’s class because he, like Prof. Tune, allows you to discuss things in his class and doesn’t try to make you feel intimidated or like you’ll be in trouble with the Dean of Students if you speak out on a subject in his class like some professors I had last semester did.
Not much to say about my Algebra class with Prof. Buske. Just did the usual work and that’s really it. Well that’s it for now. I’ve got a lot of studying to do this weekend because I have tests in Criminology and U.S. Government next week. A word of advice to all the students attending a Howard College, keep pressing on and don’t give up. College can be hard, but it is very rewarding in the end when you get that degree you worked so hard for. This is Howard College’s blogging machine, over and out!

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