Saturday, April 2, 2011

College Blog #12

One Step Closer To Something Better
By Terrence Cain

This week has been very busy for me. I mean I thought last week was busy, lord no, this week was even busier. That’s why this week’s blog post will be short. On Monday we finished watching All The President’s Men in my Mass Media class. A great film about the Watergate scandal, under President Richard Nixon’s administration, that ultimately led to his impeachment hearings. If you haven’t seen it yet, I do highly recommend it. It’s a great film starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman.
This week’s Algebra lessons seem to be the easiest out of all we’ve done so far this semester. Let’s hope it stays that way for the rest of the semester. This week we started on PowerPoint in my Business Computers class; which is probably the easiest software to use out of all the Microsoft Software, except for Word that is. It should get interesting in that class.
For my Creative Writing class we’re exploring the many different styles of poetry. This week it has been Haikus and Sestinas. Next week it will be a Villanelle that we are working on. This class has been my most interesting, and intriguing to me, of all my classes. Especially since my best talent is writing.
This week’s U.S. History class with Prof. Tommy Tune here in Big Spring, which is the Howard I am attending, has been very eventful. We finished up this week with talks about the Great Depression, what were the causes of it and what led us to get out of it.
I do have a side note here to all the students who are attending Howard College. Don’t be rude to the Professors. I don’t care if it is five minutes or fifteen minutes to your next class; wait till the professor dismisses you. They’re usually generous in letting you go quite early; so if they happen to be running the clock a little extra long, don’t act like you’re somehow superior and most definitely don’t tell the professor that you’re going whether they like it or not. That’s just rude and disrespectful.
These people work hard to make sure you know the facts and learn something that may be beneficial to you in your success in the future; so chill out and wait till the professor dismisses you.  I don’t know how big the other campuses are for the other two Howard Colleges, but the one here in Big Spring is rather small. It usually takes you two minutes to walk from one side of the campus to the other, so don’t get all huffy when you got fifteen minutes left before your next class.
Most professors are pretty lenient on time and they usually don’t get all upset if you’re a couple minutes late. I’m not saying you should be late, what I am saying is that you should not be so rude when it doesn’t take that long to walk from one class to the next. Okay, that’s enough ranting from yours truly. Everyone have a good weekend. Check the sports section on Howard’s main page to see if any games are coming up, I am sure there is. This is Howard College’s Blogging Machine, over and out!

Peace - Terrence

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