Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Final Semester”
by Terrence Cain

So what can I say in my fifth, and hopefully final, semester at Howard College here in Big Spring that I haven't said before in the last four semesters since I started writing for this blog? Well not too much to be honest with you. This week hasn't really been all that special. Just intros to my classes and getting a feeling of what I can expect over the next three and half months.
With that said, I'll give you a little info into what's happened this week. I have five classes this semester. On Mondays and Wednesdays I have Ethics with Prof. McIntosh, College Algebra with Prof. Keeney, and Stars & Galaxies (Astronomy for the uninformed) with Prof. Hobbs. It was to be with Prof. McAfee but for whatever reason he's no longer a professor at Howard College here in Big Spring. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have Development Of Motion Pictures with Prof. Davidson and Public Speaking, commonly referred to as Speech, with Prof. Crockett.
The most loathed class, and oddest one, is my class with Prof. Crockett. Now that's not an indictment against the professor. I'm just not comfortable with talking, let along giving a speech to a room full of people. I get tongue tied easily, my heart beats start to feel like Keith Moon of The Who is in my chest pounding away like the wild man he was, and at times my fingers can twitch and lose control. It's not easy for me to look up as I am expected to either. I don't have anything to hide, except my fear of being up in front of others listening to my horrible voice, but I am sure people will think I am not being honest when I speak because of that part of me that will be hard for me to not keep my head from being down and looking at my note cards as I speak. Hopefully this class will kill those fears in me and give me the opportunity to enjoy the class as time goes on.
Another thing that was odd for me, or rather weird I should say, was that Prof. Crockett was not in the class room with us. She was on a big screen television with a camera on top for her to look at us. As she would scan the room to look at us it felt like I was in the world of RoboCop or something. Prof. Crockett had us stomp on pieces of paper where we had to draw a bug, our most hated food, and a nickname we'd call our lover. It was silly, but I think the point was to break the ice and to get everyone to realize that life can be silly some times and that's okay.
Okay, I think I've said enough for this first post of many this semester. I hope everyone has a good and safe four day weekend. Things will surely kick up on Tuesday when we all return. Take it easy everyone!

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