Friday, April 20, 2012

Music's Influence”
by Terrence Cain

I don't mean to be a downer this week, but the world I know and love has lost three very special people this week. This week we lost legendary American Band Stand host Dick Clark on Wednesday; and musicians Greg Ham of Men At Work and Levon Helm of The Band today. Music has been a major part of my life and always will be. Both my parents became avid music lovers and singers in their own right and shared that love with me which has put me where I am today at Howard College. I'm not just a music lover but a musician too so the loss of Greg Ham and Levon Helm is especially hard for me. I know a lot of you out there probably don't even know who or what Men At Work or The Band were, and that's okay, but I think if you want to hear some great tunes then I highly recommend you look these groups up and give them a listen because their music was some of the deepest ever made.
I know that in my life music has helped me through every hardship life has ever thrown my way, it's made me feel better about myself, and it's helped me to focus better as well which is something you most definitely have to have if you're going to get through college. I know I've gotten better grades in class while studying with music playing softly in the background, of course at times it has been a bit distracting too but that's a rarity.
For those who don't know why I am in college I am here to get the career I wish I had gone for years ago when I just graduated high school. I've always enjoyed writing, learning, and expressing my point of view with others about any subject in the world; especially music. Once I finish here at Howard College at the end of the year I will hopefully be in Austin, Texas attending college there at the University of Texas to get my bachelors in print journalism and then on to work for a music magazine or newspaper. Even though I am out of work, and have been for three years, I am thankful for the opportunity provided for me to go to college so I could work my way towards the job I was meant to be doing. And with all the things happening this week I know that life is something that can end at any moment without any real rhyme or reason so it's pertinent to do what it is you know you're good at and to never settle for anything less that being happy every day.
Okay, I'm off now to go work on a presentation I was coerced by Prof. Davidson of Development In Motion Pictures to do for Monday's class. I will be talking about George Lucas, Star Wars, and the questionable authorship of that film. In the immortal words of Mr. Spock, live long and prosper.

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