Friday, February 24, 2012

 “College Is For Everyone”
By Terrence Cain

As I edge closer and closer to being twenty-nine, that's the thirteenth of March just in case you're all wondering, I have begun to look around me and I have noticed that there is an increasing number of people over twenty-five that are attending college, some people that are attending are even well over forty. That makes me very happy to see that people are willing to do whatever they can for themselves in order to survive this recession. You really shouldn't be scared to go to college because regardless of what you hear in the news about college graduates having a hard time finding work it is extremely important to have a college education. The majority of jobs out there are requiring a college degree, some with a bachelors degree.
Now I know this is going to come off like an advertisement, but trust me when I say that I am speaking honestly and from the heart. Howard College is probably the best junior college to attend. I know it's the best in all of West Texas because I've tried to get signed up with a few other junior colleges in the area in the past and I've ran into quite a few problems and no one was around to assist. I've also noticed that Howard really tries to help you succeed, they don't discriminate against you based on prior academic failures either, and the professors here are very knowledgeable.
So if you're a non-student reading this, or a student here who is unsure whether to complete their education, I highly recommend you that you do attend, and if you are attending already I recommend you staying and completing your tenure at Howard. When you have your degree in your hands it's going to make it that much easier to get a job when you're out there looking.
I used to think I was the most dim-witted, ill-fated, going nowhere person in the world. I would work myself to the bone and math would still beat my brain to a pulp every single day while I was in school in my youth. Here I am now at Howard College, in my fourth semester, and I'm making As and Bs in math when I used to make Ds & Fs. I discovered that the teachers I had in school in my youth didn't seem to know how to teach to me and the professors at Howard College do. So if you feel like I used to, give Howard College a try because I guarantee you that you're way more intelligent than you realize and as long as you put forth real effort you can get the degree you want.
Well I hope I've been helpful to all of you this week. Keep pushing forward and don't give up on your dreams. To paraphrase from the classic film, Terminator II: “The future's not set. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.” Thanks for reading and have a great weekend everyone! This is Howard College's blogging machine, over and out!

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