Friday, December 9, 2011

“Three Down, Two To Go!”
By Terrence Cain

Thank God this semester is almost done! Next week are finals and then no more school until January 17th! I know what I just said sounds bad to some people. It almost sounds like I was forced to be here, and in a way I kind of was, but I am happy I am in college too, and I am very happy that it was at Howard College. And no, I am not just saying that to save myself. I am genuinely happy to be at Howard College. Like I have said in the past, I wanted to go to college back in 2001 when I finished high school but I couldn’t because my parents were told that my father made too much money for any financial assistance to a legitimate college. How ridiculous is that? My father worked very hard for the majority of his adult life and barely made enough money to support his family. He never made enough money to save any so that he could send his children to college. I really don’t know how they could say to my father that he made too much money in 2001 to get financial assistance to send his only son to college, which just boggles my mind. Funny though they gave me financial aid for a horrible trade school that is now being questioned on ethics by the federal government? Yeah, it’s a crazy world we live in, that’s for sure.
Now the reason I say I was kind of forced is because I lost my job in 2009 with oil and gas production company and couldn’t find work for over a year, so it was either go back to college or go home to live with my parents. As much as I love my parents, I knew I couldn’t go home without a fight. So here I am, completing my third of hopefully only five semesters.
The reason I am happy this semester is pretty much completed, with the exception of finals taking place next week, is because it means I am that much closer to getting my associates and then moving on to a university to get my bachelors in print journalism and hopefully back into the working world as a journalist at magazine or newspaper writing about music, my one true passion. Even if I don’t get started writing about music, that’s okay with me. As long as I can write that’s really all that matters to me in the beginning.
So was college as hard or harder than you thought it would be? Honestly, at least from my perspective and maybe because I am older than the majority of you, I’ve found it to be a lot easier than I ever thought it would be. I’m not saying I’m making straight A’s, I’m not, but it definitely isn’t crushing me and making me regret I ever attended either. So hopefully you all are realizing college isn’t that hard either. You just have to take things one day at a time and stay on top of your subjects. I find that four classes a week is very manageable and virtually stress free. That’s my recommendation to any of you who are reading this blog and have not signed up for next semester yet. Well, that’s all I have to say for this week. Next week will be my last post until the new semester, so be safe going back home for the semester break, good luck on your finals, and have a great weekend everyone! This is Howard College’s blogging machine, over and out!

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