“Farewell To The March”
By Terrence Cain
This month has gone by so fast that it almost feels like a lost month to me. I guess that's what happens when you're having so much fun that time just seems to fly by. I almost feel like I missed some important things in my life. Hopefully next month won't be so fast.
Well the school semester is almost over with, folks. We've got about a month and a week left before we can call for a summer break. It's a shame too because next semester is most likely my final semester at Howard College here in Big Spring. I will be getting my basic associates this year so that I can move on to a university and get my bachelors degree in print journalism by 2014.
That is probably going to be the hardest decision to make for me as well because there are so many great universities out there and so many great cities that I could go to and spend the rest of my life in. Right now the University of Texas at Austin is looking like the best and most logical choice however. It's the closest to home, it's got many great opportunities, and it has the best thriving music scene in all of Texas. There are numerous newspaper and magazine publications in Austin as well, so that would be a great help to me when I graduate.
At the University of Texas at Austin you can also do an internship for their on campus news paper called “Burnt Orange” which would be a great way in helping me to get my career going in the right direction as well, so that's most likely where I will be going to if I can gain acceptance to that university. The other university I've been looking at is all the way across the country in Boston, Massachusetts. U-Mass has some similar qualities to the University of Texas at Austin, but it is much farther away, and since they most likely won't be paying to help get me there I will be doing my best to try and get into the University of Texas at Austin. It's a dreamland city for me anyway. Just a great thriving town for a person like me.
In 2006 I went to Austin a couple of times when I was in an Alternative Rock band called Dead Bang Go. We went there to play in a contest where we won the first round of three to go on to play at some European festival. By the second round, about seven months later, I had quit the band over some personal conflicts. I personally feel that my leaving is what cost them the second round because the drummer they replaced me with wasn't very good.
Now I'm not trying to rub salt into old wounds or anything, but at the time it did make me feel pretty good to see the impact I had on the overall sound of the band. We probably would have won the second round if I had stayed. We may have even went on to play in that European festival too, but that's the past and I don't regret one bit where I am today. Music has and always will be a part of me, so being in Austin will be great for someone like me.
Although I am a bit sad that I will be leaving Howard College and West Texas behind next year, I know that I won't be too far away from home and that I will be carrying my root values with me no matter where I go. I hope that each and everyone of you going on to a university will be realizing your own dreams and aspirations and getting something more out of your education than partying and being part of a fraternity. Remember, life is much longer than a party. Well until next week, this is Howard College's blogging machine, over and out!