Thursday, January 27, 2011

College Blog #4

It Just Keeps Getting Better & Better…
By Terrence Cain

Man this week has been one heck of a ride for me! Right now I am taking five classes and that’s good for me because last year six classes nearly put me down for the count. Having four to five classes is definitely way more manageable, trust me on this. Anyways, my most exciting class this week I’d have to say was my Introduction to Mass Media Communications with Prof. Conway.
I’ll be honest, at first I thought this class with Prof. Conway was going to be just another boring class where you were shown a bunch of statistics and that was all you would get. Thankfully I was proven wrong this week. In Wednesday’s class we were given the chance to roll play as a group of producers for a news program. We were divided into groups of four and were given several news topics to pick from where the time on air had to amount to a total of twenty-two minutes, leaving eight minutes for commercials. Towards the end of class we had to discuss why each story was chosen and why they were placed in the order we arranged them in. We also had to explain why, if any, stories had to be cut to fit within the twenty-two minutes we were given.
It was a lot of fun to do because I was the one who got to be in control of my group and made sure that 90% of the topics were substantive based and not just a bunch of fluff. I must admit we got the stories arranged in a pretty decent way as well, although I would have rather not let a depressing story like the rise of gas costs be the end piece, but that’s how democracies run. If my mass communications class is going to be this way for the rest of the semester then it will most definitely be all worth it in the end to have this class for my second semester.
Another class I am enjoying is my Creative Writing class with Prof. Kelly-Anderson. It’s definitely getting a lot of good and creative discussions going out there between us all. We’re working on creating stories and that should get interesting by next week when we turn them in. It’s definitely a great way to broaden the mind and get the creative juices going. I highly recommend becoming part of a creative writing class if you’re looking for some substance in your life.
Okay, now in case you forgot or didn’t read my last blog there are two games going on tonight at Howard College. The men’s and women’s basketball teams will be competing against my hometown, Odessa. The game for the women’s team starts at 5:45 p.m. and the men’s team starts at 7:45 p.m. Both will be in the Dorothy Garrett Coliseum just off Birdwell Ln. Unfortunately I won’t be able to catch the games tonight due to prior engagements, but I will be there in spirit. I really hope the Hawks win both games tonight! Well that’s it for this week! This is the Howard College blogging machine, over and out!

Peace - Terrence

Monday, January 24, 2011

College Blog #3

New Semester, Great Start!
By Terrence Cain

This week has been a real good one for me at Howard College. On Tuesday I had the fortunate opportunity of attending three new classes. My favorite would be my Creative Writing class with Prof. Kelly-Anderson. I was a little disappointed, however, that there is only seven people, including myself, that are in this class with Prof. Kelly-Anderson. It’s okay, I guess, because it does make the class a little more intimate and easier to participate in. I know this is going to be my favorite class just because of that reason alone.
Now one class I was surprised to see a lot of people in was my Mass Communications class, which is in the same room as my Creative Writing class might I add. Prof. Conway teaches the Mass Communication class on Mondays & Wednesdays and I intrigued to find out what she can teach me about the world of media. I was honestly expecting, however, for Prof. Conway’s class to be about as small as my Creative Writing class with Prof. Kelly-Anderson, but I found it to be about as full as my US History class with Prof. Tune. I was quite shocked to see that class that full.
Another new class I have this semester is with Prof. Adkins for her Business Computers class. She’s a lively one for sure. I think her class is going to be just as much fun as my US History class with Prof. Tune, and Creative Writing class with Prof. Kelly-Anderson. That is something I most definitely look for when it comes to learning in school. Is the person teaching the class going to keep me tuned in, or will they be dull and boring, forcing me to tune out because the class is boring and uninformative. Well I can say with confidence that all five of my classes this semester are definitely anything but boring.
Anyone who has attended classes with Prof. Tune, Prof. Buske, Prof. Conway, Prof. Adkins, or Prof. Kelly-Anderson knows that these professors are caring and passionate people who love to teach. And despite what Prof. Tune tells his students about him not caring whether you fail or pass, he cares. If he didn’t care he wouldn’t give so much of himself to facts or be so willing to speak with his students candidly about his passion for history and our government. Even though his views are not personally my own I feel I’ve learned a great deal from Prof. Tune about American History and our government and I am forever grateful for being in his class. Any class he teaches I plan to take throughout my tenure at Howard College.
Okay, enough about my classes and this week just being awesome in my perception of attendance. In case you have not noticed, the Howard College Fitness Center has re-opened their doors to the public as of January 10th. If you like to exercise then you can do so at Howard College. For more information just click the following link:
Now I would like to give a few congratulations to some people who truly deserve it. First to WJCAC Hall Of Fame Inductee, Anna Smith, who was inducted on Thursday for her contribution to Howard College’s athletic department. She’s done a lot of great things for Howard College’s students and so greatly deserves her induction. I’d like to also congratulate Kevin Porras for being selected for the 2010 National ACDA. He is part of the men’s choir and will be traveling to Chicago in March to join 300 others for the ACDA national convention. I’d also like to congratulate Amber Bernal, Brantley Cahoon, Damian Perez, and Nadia Garcia for being selected to go to the TMEA Convention in San Antonio next month. Kevin Porras was also select to go to the TMEA Convention, so a second congrats to him as well.
Lots of great things are happening this semester at Howard College! I look forward to this semester, as I hope all of you are as well. On January 27th, Howard College’s men’s and women’s basketball teams will be up against my hometown, Odessa, and even though I love my hometown and Odessa College’s basketball teams, I must say that I am actually rooting for Howard to win both games. Both games will be on the Howard College campus, so go out and support the college sports teams as often as you can! Until next week, this is Howard College’s blogging machine, over and out!

Peace - Terrence

Friday, January 14, 2011

College Blog #2

Returning To School & More…
By Terrence Cain

Next week is the start of a new semester. I have already purchased my books, and I am ready to get the new semester started! If you haven’t gotten your books yet, I highly recommend that you make the move to get your books and anything else you will need for the semester, because school starts on January 18th. Now with that said, I think there is something that needs to be addressed about recent events in our country that I think we can all learn from.
A tragic event took place in Tucson, Arizona on January 8th that cost six people their lives and wounded over a dozen others. Our country was pushed to its breaking point that unfortunate Saturday morning. I really think this is our reset button, if we let it be. It’s so hard to watch the news today without feeling your blood boil because you become offended by one side or the other’s remarks.
Both sides have seemingly decided that the rhetoric and vitriol has to stop, and I couldn't agree more with them. I also happen to think that this is a time for all of us to unite, no matter what each other’s different beliefs are, because it honestly does not matter what your political, religious, or personal views are about the things that go on in the world around us every day. We are all the same when you get right down to what truly makes us who we are. We all just want to be loved, respected, and taken care of at the end of the day.
I think this is a time for us all to find ways to bridge those gaps and bring ourselves together as the decent human beings I know we can all be when we put forth our best foot. I urge all of us to get away from our cell phones, our computers, and our video games for at least a couple of hours a day and to talk to someone in your classrooms that you have never talked to before. Let’s connect with each other and see for ourselves that the people around us are just like you and me.
And don’t just stop there. Try it out at the checkout line in the grocery store. Say hello to someone in passing on the way to somewhere else. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others or to make new friends. That is truly the whole point of going to college. I know we are all here getting an education for a career at the end of our tenure in higher learning, but we are also here to connect with each other and to make some lifelong friends as well.
And if you find someone who seems to be mentally disturbed in their thought process, someone who expresses violence towards others or seems to talk in an illogical way, don’t be afraid to let your professors or school counselors know. There is nothing wrong with helping someone who needs it. And don’t ever be afraid of reporting problems that you see happening on your school's campus either. If someone is being harassed or physically abused, let your school know about it, but make sure that what you see is what is really happening as well. In other words, use your best judgment.
If you see me in the halls, don’t be afraid to say hello to me. I am usually pretty friendly and easy to get along with. Take care of yourselves and have a great first semester of 2011! Remember to never give up on your dreams, the trip through college may not always be easy, but it’s worth it in the end! It’s also good to lean on each other when times get difficult because we can help push each other towards that ultimate goal. Have a great remainder of your vacation from college. I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday, January 18th!

Peace – Terrence Cain